We are moved by these stories of veterans who have been saved by medical cannabis. They are not alone as every day millions of Americans rely on cannabis to survive. We must guarantee a legal system that ensures it is always there for them. We are committed to fighting for that system and all those businesses who need functioning regulatory frameworks to operate legally and effectively. Help us pass the Safe Banking Act as a first step in that process!
Thirty-three states are regulating the medicinal use of marijuana and eleven states are taxing and regulating adult-use. There are thousands of legally licensed businesses in these states that do not have access to a variety of banking services, hindering their ability to operate effectively. This puts the businesses, customers, workers, and ancillary businesses at risk by forcing them all to operate in environments with large amounts of cash on hand and forcing businesses to close because of the lack of banking resources. We are calling on the federal government to pass legislation permitting banks and other financial institutions to serve the legal cannabis businesses. Help us pass the SAFE Banking Act!
Establishing a fair and just system that corrects the injustices generated by prohibition, providing real criminal and social justice reform.
Ending the federal and state disconnect so states can provide comprehensive regulatory standards for consumers to purchase safe cannabis products that meet their needs.
Allowing state licensed businesses access to essential business services like banking.
Ensuring state markets are set up in a way that promotes economic development and growth while providing a fair opportunity for all to participate in this emerging market.
Cannabis Legalization Facts

243,700 full time jobs from state regulated cannabis businesses, doubling in 4 years.
This is more than coal miners (~50,000) and real estate agents (~162,000) combined.
* Leafly 2020 Jobs Report available here. Coal miners and real estate agent numbers come from US Bureau of Labor Statisitices

State taxes collected on state regulated cannabis exceeded $1.9 billion in 2019, doubling in the last 2 years.
* Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. Link here.

An estimated 27.5 million (10.7%) of Americans consume cannabis in 2020.
This is estimated to increase to 36.5 million by 2025, and to 44.6 million by 2030.
* Internal projections based on the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). The most recent NSDUH report can be found here.

According to an annual Pew Research poll, 2/3 of Americans, including 55% of Republicans, say marijuana use should be legal.
* Via Pew Research report available here.